The Christian C. Sanderson Museum

The Sanderson Museum is NOW OPEN!!!!

Weekends 12pm to 4pm



2025 Christian C Sanderson Museum Essay Contest

0pen to all high school students – grades 9-12
Henderson, Kennett, Rustin, Unionville, West Chester East

1st Prize $250         2nd Prize $150             3rd Prize $50

Christian C. Sanderson (1882-1966) had a strong sense of self and maintained a vigorous enthusiasm for life and history as it unfolded around him in Chadds Ford and beyond. His lifelong collection, housed in the Sanderson Museum, has both personal and historic power. Perhaps you see yourself as a historian and collector.

This year’s essay topic: LIFE IS A MEANINGFUL COLLECTION

Competition Requirements

*Entrant must be a current student in one of the high
schools listed above
*Submission must be 1 to 1 and 1/2 double-spaced pages
*No student May submit more than one essay
*Cover page: Student’s name, grade, teacher’s name,
school, date
*Mail to: Christian C. Sanderson Museum, PO. Box 153,
Chadds Ford, PA 19317 Attn: Essay Contest
*Postmarked no later than APRIL 15, 2025

Winners will be announced MAY 5,2025. Entrants agree to release their essays for publication by the museum.
Questions: Please call (610) 388-6545 or (484) 888-8638


6ABC One Tank Trip: The Sanderson Musuem in Chadds Ford PA

Recently we were featured on One Tank Trip on 6ABC news.  We had a great time filming the episode and we appreciate everyone for their support and helping us spread that word about what this museum is all about.  You can watch the video by clicking HERE



Pay as your Wish every First Sunday

We are going back to our roots on the first Sunday of each month as we have Pay as you wish Sunday.  We want you to talk about and enjoy this rare collection that Chris built on this museum.  Pay what amount you want for admission and enjoy the collection.


Volunteers Needed

The Sanderson Museum is run by volunteers just like you! We are people who are interested in history, delight in talking to other people, and want to touch a moment in time. If you are interested in volunteering your time and/or talents, Click Here to fill out a volunteer form.



    Help Support the Musuem!!

Click here to become a member or make a donation



Step up to the wooden porch of Chris Sanderson’s country home and tour eight rooms filled with over 200 years of American history. The Sanderson Museum has a rich collection of objects relating to life in Chadds Ford as well as an extensive collection of memorabilia representing the American experience. Visitors to the museum will uncover artifacts from the Revolutionary War, Civil War, both World Wars and learn about the Battle of Brandywine along with other local lore. Chris and the Wyeth Family shared a love of the Chadds Ford area. See original sketches and paintings from N.C. Wyeth, Andrew Wyeth, Peter Hurd and other Wyeth family members.

The Sanderson Museum represents a man’s life and a nation’s history. Visit us at 1755 Creek Road, Chadds Ford, Pa.

Open: Starting Saturday, March 2, 2024, through the end of November 2024

Hours: 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. (Saturdays and Sundays)
Admission: Free to Members of the Sanderson Museum
$10 for Adult Non-Members
$5 for children ages 6-12
$0 for children age 5 and under accompanied by an adult.




Blue Star Museums Program – 2023

Sponsored by:
National Endowment for the Arts
Blue Star Families
U.S. Department of Defense

This program provides free admission to all active-duty military personnel and up to 5 members of their families. It begins on Sunday May 20, 2023, (Armed Forces Day) and ends on Monday, September 4, 2023, (Labor Day).

Additional information can be found at This site includes an interactive map of the USA where a list of participating Blue Star Museums can be found for each state. There is a hyper-link from that list to each museum’s website.


Learn about new exhibits, special events and other happenings at the Sanderson Museum. Join our mailing list (see News & Events sections).

“Anyone born in the twentieth century should see this museum. It’s a history lesson, a nostalgia trip, a fascinating look at one man’s life.”

-Therese Boyd, The Best Places You’ve Never Seen: Pennsylvania’s Small Museum, A Traveler’s Guide.